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First Medical Mission - 2003
Second Medical Mission - 2004
MIFT Tsunami Relief Efforts
Press Conference - 2005
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2011 Tamil Health Forum in Montreal

MIFT Committee Members [2011]

CMDDA/MIFT Annual Members Picnic - July 9 & 10, 2011

Scarborough Tamil Health Forum is on Sun. June 05, 2011.

Ottawa Tamil Health Forum is on May 28, 2011.

CME/AGM 2011

About MIFT
"Medical Institute For Tamils" (MIFT) is an officially registered non-profit cooperation representing Tamil speaking medical and dental professionals in North America. 

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   Medical Relief Fund for Tamils   

MIFT has established a "Medical Relief Fund for Tamils" at our last AGM to finance our humanitarian projects in the future.

We sincerely thank the members who made the pledges for this fund. Please forward your cheques to the treasurer ASAP since we need this fund now for our Sri Lankan project.

Also those who failed to make your pledge please make it now without further delay so we could plan more projects in the future.

Click here to get the contact information to make your pledges and/or to forward your cheques.

Click here to get more information about our first project, which is a "Medical Mission By Canadian Tamil Medical Professionals To The North and East of Srilanka From Canada", under the Tamil Medical Fund.
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Thank you

- Treasurer (Medical Institute for Tamils)


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