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"Medical Institute For Tamils" (MIFT) is an officially registered non-profit cooperation representing Tamil speaking medical and dental professionals in North America. 

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   Appeal for help the Flood victims in Eastern Sri Lanka   

January 2011

Floods in Eastern Sri Lanka has affected over a million people. Over 300,000 have been displaced and the United Nations has called upon the international community to help the victims of the flood recover from this devastation. Eastern Sri Lanka has been victimized by the brutality of war since 1983, and was severely affected by the tsunami of 2004. The needs of the victims are immense and evolving daily.

The lack of shelter, sanitation facility with access to clean water, basic food, clothing, and medical treatment is of grave concern. There is an increasing fear of diarrheal epidemic because of lack of sanitation and access to clean water as a result of unprecedented flooding and inundation of houses and wells by contaminated water.

There are dozens of organizations that are involved in the emergency relief efforts. In choosing an organization to support, we wanted to ensure that it was first and foremost accountable, relevant and had strong local ties. Medical Institute for Tamils fits all of these criteria.

The Medical Institute for Tamils was registered in 1998 and has undertaken many projects in Eastern Sri Lanka. The organization is well equipped to assess and distribute funds as required to local NGO.s working in the area. The organization was extremely active during the tsunami in 2004. It sent an immediate medical team to assist with local needs.

This time around, MIFT will coordinate the distribution of funds to local NGO.s and entities equipped to assist those in need. We are therefore seeking your help in raising funds to assist the victims of the flood by donation to the MIFT.

As a first step, we are organizing a drop-in this Wednesday, January 19th, 2011, from 5 to 9 pm for community members to come and make a contribution. The drop in will take place at Karaikuddi Chettinad Restaurant for people to come and make donations. Karaikuddi is located at 1225 Kennedy Road, Toronto, Ontario and the mapquest link is http://www.karaikudi.ca/location.html.

We encourage all of you to attend and help the people affected by the floods generously.

You may also forward your contribution to one of our board member or mail the check to our treasurer:
Dr. Mohan
#206, 3033 Palstan Road,
Mississauga, ON L4Y 4E7

Payable to MIFT -- receipts will be issued.

We appreciate your response to this urgent need.

For more information, please contact the following individuals:

  • Dr. V. Santhakumar, President -- 905 273 7946
  • Dr. Rajes Logan, Vice President -- 905 944 0100


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